Once an activity has been created, then you are able to navigate to a dedicated Activity Sheet that has a built-in set of functions that can be performed on the activity. Selecting one or more people from the provided checkboxes 'unlocks' a set of bulk actions.
RSVP System
If a club would like an indication in advance of how many players or officials plan to be in attendance for this activity, then you are able to initiate an email invite to each player where an RSVP will be requested. Further information is in the next section.
There is a general email function that will allow you to target some or all of the people listed on the sheet.
RSVP Status Updates
If an RSVP request is not sent, then administrators can update statuses on behalf of team members.
COVID-19 Tracking
The relevant authorities have released document templates that outline the type of tracking clubs are expected to perform as part of returning to normal programs. See the section below for how this can be done all from within Majestri.