Events FAQ

This page contains a list of questions and answers that we commonly get around how events work, and how to set them up.

What is an 'Event' in Majestri?

It seems obvious, but it's a fair question. 'Event' is certainly a loaded term in today's world.

The best place to start is to read our overview about events in Majestri.

Why are there two set of dates that I need to set for every event?

The registration and actual event date window are two different things, with both of them being meaningful in Majestri.
Our Event Setup Checklist has a brief explanation of these two date windows, what they actually mean, and the effect they have on people registering.

How do I delete an event?

From our perspective, it may not be actually necessary to delete an event. If you've mistakenly created one, then you can rename the event to TO REUSE, set historical dates, and leave it as a 'past' event until you're ready to re-purpose it for a new event.

If you're determined to delete an event though, then from the Control Room, just locate any of the All Events buttons, and you'll see on that screen that each listed event has its own 'delete' option.

Please be aware that you can only delete events that have no financial impact. If there are registrations that have invoices, credits or payments associated, then this event can't be deleted until those are removed. Please contact for assistance in determining whether that can be done.

My options for setting fees are too limited - how can I add more pricing categories?

As part of our service, we build you some events where our plain vanilla out-of-the-box fee packages, Per Registration (ie. family) and Per Player, just aren't flexible enough.
If you have multiple price-points and complex calculation rules for your event, then have a read of our guide to event registration fee packages and get in contact with us.

How can I add fields to my event registration form to capture more information?

If you'd more information captured for the players, parents and attendees of your events, then have a read of our guide to event registration forms.

How can I reuse a customised event package that you've already built for me?

Click the + New Event button in the Control Room and you'll see a list of event types - a mix of out-of-the-box ones, and ones we've built for you in the past. Identifying ours is fairly easy - it normally contains the year of setup as part of the title (eg. "Outdoor Season - 2018 Setup").
If you can't see anything on this list you think you can use, just choose any of the options and then review the Event Setup Checklist. At certain points in the process you'll present us with your customisation requirements and we'll build you a registration experience that is fit for purpose.

How can I see what the registration process is going to look like for my members?

Once you are ready to trial your Event, use the "Preview Registration" action which is shown on the lower right of your Event Setup screen:
Event  Setup  Actions